Sunday, November 27, 2011

Little bit of me.

I met this very interesting person yesterday. I was a bit skeptical before i was supposed to meet her. But it turned out okay. I guess.
This person told me so much about me that i dint know anybody could figure out without talking to me first (because i'm so twisted and messed up in head). 

So i thought i should maybe list out the things she told me (which are true) in case i forget about those things in future.
1. Strong family values.
2. Best friends are my worst enemies. (TRUE)
3. Very loyal and very emotional.
4. Never show whats killing inside me and just put on a happy face. (so true)
5. Great sex life. (She said it, i swear!)
6. If i'm emotionally attached to someone i'll over look the 100 mistakes that the person has committed and just look at the 1 good thing he/she did. (Again, true. Told you i'm messed up in head)

These are some of the important things that she said. The only reason i'm surprised is i dint even talk to her and she started saying all this on her own. Pretty impressive, right?

Friday, November 25, 2011

22 on 22.

The mandatory post birthday post. Btw the birthday was 4 days back. 
That phase is here when i don't feel like writing but at the same time i want to. 

Birthday was as usual. A year older, but not wiser. Hehe.

Soo much have changed in this past one year. I have experienced soo much that i would like to think it cannot get any better/worse. I also want to learn from my mistakes, but its getting difficult and difficult. The mistakes i'm making are too big and too frequent. As i always say, i can never learn.

But guess what! I'm happy! Isn't that what matters. Just be selfish and make yourself happy even if you have to screw the world for it. 

So, Happy 22nd to me!