Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hello. Long time no see. Look at you, all grown up and all. 

Okay stop judging me by my opening sentence. Its been 20 days since my last post! *acts all dramatic*
From the past few days i have been meaning to right, but was just to lazy to switch on the laptop. Yes, i'm that lazy. Sometimes i don't even feel like changing the channel, because it takes too much of an effort to pick up the remote and change the channel. So i just keep staring at the TV and thinking. (Not about pretty boys, you idiot)

I recently got a Blackberry. I know what all you non-blackberry people must be thinking, "college students don't need a blackberry, so stop showing off!" Its true, college students don't, but i dint buy it because i get those all important mails and shit (in fact i hardly get any mails, except those MBA colleges who still think i'm interested in doing MBA), i got it for the BBM. And trust me when i say, my phone hasn't stopped ping-ing ever since! There are times when i just feel like turning off my phone (i'm stressing on 'sometimes' here). But if somebody asks me to give an award or something, i will give it to Blackberry. Best past-time ever!

There's this song stuck in my head from the past few days. You know, there are some songs which make perfect sense and you can relate to them. This is one of those songs. 

He's there in the dark
He's there in my heart
He waits in the winds
He's gonna play a part.
Trouble is a friend, yeah, trouble is a friend of mine.
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I wont let him win, but i'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend, yeah, trouble is a friend of mine.

Ahh i can keep on humming these lines all day. Because trouble is actually a very good friend of mine. We've been best friends since i don't know how long. Never leaves me alone or let me be. Trouble loves me so very much, you see.

Okay now go listen to this song. Trouble is a friend- Lenka :D

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